Happy Valentine’s Day!!..And National Cream Filled Chocolate Day

Hello All!!


My man and I aren’t really Valentine’s kind of people… but, I can never resist a day that gives me an excuse to make a gorgeous, delicious Drink!!!

So, if Love is in the air….

twerk heart

Or…. even if it isn’t…


game over

Everyone can use a little “ROMANCE” Which is why I decided that since it is also National Cream Filled Chocolate day it would be best to mix the 2 together and make a delicious cream and chocolate Cocktail!!!

So, grab your guy, gal, cat, dog, stuffed animal, or Book (I don’t judge!!) and let’s get this Romance Party Started!!!

Romance Cocktail



  • 1 oz ounce Coffee Liqueur (Tia Maria, Kahlua or as I like a little spice in my romance, I used Chili Chocolate Kahlua!!)
  • 1 oz  Irish Cream Liqueur
  • 1 oz dark creme de cacao
  • 1 ounce heavy cream


  1. Put some ice in a shaker
  2. Pour in all ingredients
  3. Shake for about 20 seconds
  4. Pour into martini glass
  5. Feel free to garnish with some cherries, a strawberries, some shaved dark chocolate… or all of the above!!!
  6.  CHEERS!!!

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