The Wendy, A Peter Pan Twist

the wendy.jpg

4 out of 5 Stars

I would like to thank Trash Dogs Media for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

“If women ever sail the sea,

They’ll scrub the decks for men like me!

They’ll marry none but Davy Jones,

And for their children, only bones!”

These are words that Wendy Darling had chanted at her all her life as she grew up dreaming of the sea and joining the Navy. When she begins to think that maybe Davy Jones will be preferable to just growing up to the women’s duty of “having babies” she finds Olaudah Equiano (or Gustavus Vassa as was his slave name) and thinks that all her prayers have been answered and that under his tutelage she will finally get what her heart desires

“What the heart desires most in all the world,” Mr. Equiano reminded her gently, “does not always come to us when we wish it. Such yearnings cannot be rushed. We must work for them. And we must continue to work for them. Even when all seems lost. So that we will be ready, should the heavens find a way to deliver us.”

But, try and train though she would, the heavens did not seem to be delivering her anywhere, even joining the Fourteenth Platoon of the Nineteenth Light Dragoons at Dover Castle to sense magic for them, she is let down. As it is a boring, tedious jobs reading dusty facts out of dusty books. Until the “unmistakable scent of magic permeated the air as he gazed down upon her, a look of cold, merciless appraisal in his ice-blue eyes.” and Wendy Darling finally comes face to face with Peter Pan.

“When confronted with the imminent possibility of one’s own death, the important thing is not to panic. That is what everyone says, and they say it because it is true. Remaining calm will always save you, which is precisely what makes it such a difficult thing to do, but panicking never will, which is why it is absolutely, positively never the best choice.”  

Peter is the leader of, what is known to Wendy, as the Everlost, which has been described to her as a creature with no soul who comes to England t steal children to drain of their blood.

“Ah ha!” he exclaimed, his face lighting up in a sudden realization. “A creature without a soul! Ergo, lost forever to heaven! Ergo, ‘the everlost’! Well, that explains it, finally, I’ve always wondered.” He smiled at Nana and rubbed her head merrily as though she were sharing his private revelation.

“But… how could you not have understood the meaning of your own name?” Wendy blinked in surprise.

“Don’t be absurd. It’s not my name. It’s your name. You made it up. Why would I call myself everlost?” He regarded her the way a child might scrutinize a particularly baffling puzzle lock from the East, as though she were an exotic treasure of unfathomable mystery. “You might lose me, to be sure, but one can never lose oneself. The very idea is ridiculous. I’m always right where I am!”

When she is the only one who can track down the Everlost and Peter’s supposed “flying ship” that may be able to take her to this Island that he seems to exist, will she choose Peter and the Adventure he can offer her? Or will she choose Captain Hook and the possible life at sea that she has dreamed of all her life?

I really enjoyed this book! I liked the focus on Wendy being a strong female influence who won’t just quietly back down into her mothering or babysitting duties. I like to see her finally, not taking care of other children, but learning to fight and the maths and the stars and dreaming of bigger things. It was a beautifully written novel and a twist on the tale that was refreshing and new.

My one complaint about the book was the character of Tinkerbell… I’m sorry, this is me being picky I’m sure. They describe her as “a palm-sized, golden dragon speaking in a symphony of delicate chimes” and that “Tinker Bell belonged to that rarest and most precious of fairy species (known as the innisfay by those who still remember such things) who can turn themselves into any sort of animal at will.”

I really like the IDEA of this… but, I’m a HUGE fan of Tinkerbell and I don’t know if I can get behind her being a Shapeshifter.. totally my own beef. But, very well described and a very cool concept all the same. That’s the thing about twists on classics. You never know what might get twisted!!

All in all a very interesting and unique take on the Pan story with a wonderful focus on Wendy that I adored and WHAT A BEAUTIFUL COVER!! I definitely recommend a read!!

Erin Michelle Sky & Steven Brown began “The Wendy” as an experiment trying to see if an unknown duo could attract enough of a following to defray the cost of publishing the book. The answer was “YES”

If you would like to learn more about the Duo, they are most active on Twitter @DragonAuthors and you can find any ways to get a copy of “The Wendy” for yourself at

The Wendy is Best Paired With a

Santa Maria

santa maria

Another drink that I learned in Cuba that seemed fitting with the rum and fitting with HOW GORGEOUS IT IS!!


  • 1/5 oz Green Creme de Menthe
  • 1 oz White Rum
  • 4 oz Orange Juice
  • 4 oz Red Wine


  1. Chill a tall glass
  2. Layer slowly over the rounded side of a spoon from the top of the list (which will be at the bottom of the glass) to the bottom of the list (which will be the top of the glass)
  3. Garnish with a pineapple wedge
  4. Enjoy how pretty it looks, but be sure to stir before drinking!! (It turned a beautiful purple!)
  5. CHEERS!!

19 thoughts on “The Wendy, A Peter Pan Twist

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  1. Yep..this is the one I thought you were talking about. Saw a review for this one on Kim’s blog and she was very excited for it as well. And wow is that cover cool or what???
    Terrific review as always…well worth the wait..that’s for sure 😊😊

    Liked by 2 people

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