My Reasons Why Tag

my reasons why.png

So, I’ve been saving this tag for a time that I really needed it, and with stresses and a big wig tour at work at the end of this week it’s been really tough and stressful, so NOW IS THE TIME!!

This Tag was started by the wonderful Kimchisama, who also nominated me for this! Please check out her wonderful anime blog!!


1. Mention the person who nominated you

2. List 13 reasons why you keep going/living (This is borrowed from the book but I’m taking it the opposite direction).

3. Nominate 10 or more people to give their reasons why.

4. Use the picture that I created in your post. I’m sorry that I’m a bit bad a making these things… But I tried 🙂

So, on to my reasons!! This is actually a really hard one….

  1. My cat, Buddy.

He can be a right Jerkhole… but, he’s with me when it counts and I know that he loves me unconditionally…..okay, the condition is that I feed him. But, don’t tell anyone.


2. Family

I love my family. I probably hang out with my parents and in-laws an unhealthy amount for a grown adult…. BUT I DON’T CARE!!!

3. BOOKS!!

Weird… My post apparently DELETED this one… So, back in it goes!!

I could never leave this plain of existence with over 1000 books on my TBR!

wizard books

4. Music

No matter how down I am, music is always an outlet for my feelings. There’s always a song out there that makes me feel like someone understands.



5. Camping/Outdoors

I haven’t had a chance to go camping lately…sadly. As soon as the weather gets acceptable out though, you will rarely find me indoors!


6. My Man

I told him that I didn’t think he’d make the list… but I’m already floundering! Kimchisama…. 13 IS TOO MANY REASONS!! HA HA HA!!

colin firths look

Oops…. wrong man….

I’ll go with what my man suggested and say that I live to make him suffer. Ha ha! I call him my little P.O.W.

7. My Bucket List

How can I move on without doing all of those things that I’ve always wanted to?? Like, jumping out of a plane, or riding all the biggest rollercoasters??

8. Travel

There are so many places that I still need to go, and I LOVE TO TRAVEL!!!

9. Booze!!!

Come on. You knew it had to make the list somewhere!


10. Learning!!

I never want to stop learning. There is so much I don’t know, and there always will be. But, I’m willing to put in the time to leave this world with as much information as possible!!


11. My Bed

I know. Weird one. But, it’s so comfy!! My favourite thing ever is my days off that my cat joins me in the morning and we stay in bed later than we should and I read and he snuggles with me. He’s not a snuggle cat, but that’s the only place he will join me. This doesn’t happen very frequently as I’m rarely off and when I am I usually have something to do and can’t stay in bed. But, when I do…..!!!! Ahhhhh…….

12. Lazy, Sunny Days

There is nothing like sitting out in the sun with a good book and a cold drink and lazing the day away….. Again, this doesn’t happen often, but, WHEN IT DOES!!!


13. ALL OF YOU!!!! 

I love my blog, and the blogging community!!! As you all know, I’m not an interweb person….

tin foil hat

But, all of you keep me going! I’m so grateful for the friends that I have met and the blogs that I look forward to! You’re all the highlight of my day!!

twerk heart

Thank you!!!

Now, on to the Nominations!!! I’m going to go with some of my original readers this time! You all have stuck with me through my craziness, my disorganization. and my all of my time trying to figure out this crazy computer contraption! I feel like a few of you can  probably use a reminder of your “Reasons Why” right now. I love you all!!!

As always, you all don’t have to participate! I just wanted you all to know that you are appreciated. I hope that even if you won’t participate, you might leave me a few of your “reasons why” in the comments!

What are your “Reasons Why”??? Let me know in the Comments Below!!!

46 thoughts on “My Reasons Why Tag

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    1. Thank you for checking it out! This was a fun (but CHALLENGING) post! You never know how hard it is to think of 13 things that make life worth living, but it is!! My initial reaction was “could I just pick 13 books that I want to read??” But, that would only keep me alive for a couple of weeks… What do I do then??

      Liked by 1 person

  1. AWW this is such a wholesome post. ❤ And LOL at Darcy! And my list would definitely have camping, hiking, kayaking–and all the other outdoorsy stuff! Just stick me in a cabin in the middle of the woods for the summer (and deliver me weekly crates of books to read) and I'll be happy. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh course Darcy is there 😉
    Lots of wonderful stuff to be thankful for. Some days we really do need the reminder.
    What keeps me going? My kids… like seriously… I want to nap and can’t cuz they always need something! They keep me going. 😄Do love’s though.
    Hope the tour goes well and that you the weekend to destress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What? I didn’t SURPRISE you with the appearance of Darcy?? I figured no one knew of my SUPER SECRET love of him! 😉
      Awww… I hope you get your nap! Just give the kids a little brandy, I hear that calms them down. 😉😂
      I work all weekend.. So, no destress-ing for me! Not until… Tuesday or so? But, I feel like this work thing is only. Going to get worse after this visit…. 😕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, we’re friends, so we’ll have similar tastes. It’s like me and Shalini fighting over Roarke from the JD Robb ‘In Death’ series… Looks like you and me will be fighting over Darcy… I wanna live in Pemberly. 😜

        I’m sorry work won’t be easing up anytime soon. Do you have vacation time coming up at least?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well, being my friend has its perks! Since Darcy will OBVIOUSLY choose me, I’m SURE we can shove you in some wing of Pemberly without any trouble, it’s a big place after all! 😉😉
        And no vacation time coming for the next few weeks, and depending on how this visit goes, I may have some of my main staff quitting, which means no vacation time EVER pretty much. 😕 It’s going to be a tough month or so… That’s for sure. 😣

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hmm… well it is a ridiculously large place…. hmmm…. we’ll see how it plays out 😉
        Work sounds pretty crap for the time being. I really hope you’re pleasantly surprised and it goes a least a little better than expected. On the bright side… your well-stocked drinks supply will come in useful after work 😶


  3. HaHa…Love it and thank you for making me smile this early in the morning… Darcy was a nice momentarily distraction…No 9 will probably..It will be on mine ( somewhere)…And after reading this I know you are totally mad and I love it…From your sane, teetotal friend 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I smiled through this whole list. It is wonderful haha I’m glad your man made it on the list 😉 and I’m glad you saved it for when you needed it!
    These are awesome reasons and you a freaking amazing!
    One day lets grab a drink together.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wtf? How the F did I miss this? Or did I deliberately give it a miss? Did I not know you then? Were we not blog married then?
    Lovely post. Wow one wall of booze? And you have the whole cellar? Wow
    And why is everyone crazy about Darcy /Colin Firth? He makes everyone but me swoon. Sighhh.
    Great post lovely answers. You are one great gal!! 😘😘😍💕🐻😂Bear has to come. Sorry I missed this post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think this was when you were a little AWOL! We were still blog married, but we were living at your blog as opposed to having joint custody. 😂😂😂
      How do you NOT swoon in the presence of Colin Firth/Darcy?? He’s so swoon worthy! 😍😍😍 And yes, there are a couple other walls in that cellar… They’re filled with wine. 😅


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