I’m Not Spam, WordPress!!!

Hello all!

I know what you’re thinking…. THREE posts in one day?? COME ON, NICOLE!! Well, this one wasn’t planned, and doesn’t make me happy, but I have been, ONCE AGAIN deemed Spam by the WordPress Gods. Apparently, those days where my mother used to tell me to “use my indoor voice” (wait…. that was yesterday!), and “only speak when spoken to”, have come back to haunt me!


So, if you could all please check your Spam folders regularly if you don’t hear from me… I’ve replied to or commented on at least 20 different things in the passed little while that have definitely seemed to disappear. I can only imagine how many more I haven’t noticed!

Sadly, even though it’s been within the last hour or so, I can’t seem to remember who I was commenting to but

Laura M Bailey

and James J Cudney IV are definitely two of them!

So, sorry everyone! If you don’t hear from me, you know where to find me….


98 thoughts on “I’m Not Spam, WordPress!!!

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  1. I immediately checked my spam folder, but no Nicole comment. I’m so disappointed now šŸ˜‚
    But all sillyness aside, it’s becoming a real problem… there are too many bloggers experiencing this at the moment šŸ˜

    Liked by 6 people

  2. This really is getting a seriously annoying problem indeed. It was just a couple of days ago where I posted a similar post as well as you recall, and since then…well..itā€™s still not completely resolved. Apparently once you are ā€œ unspammedā€ on a blog you can comment again, but no idea how long that will last. Ugh…so annoying šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢
    Hope it gets resolved for you soon: all I can say is I feel your pain. Wow…we are now day off buddies and spam buddies…this is getting out of hand isnā€™t it? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Awwww….. Spam buddies!! I feel like we should start a group! the SPAM SQUAD!!! Ha ha!!!
      Ya, I’ve been put on the Spam list with WordPress many times before… apparently I comment too fast and too much so they think I’m a bot. Well, SOORRRY WordPress for having L337 typing skills!

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      1. Lol….yes, this could even become a new tag: The Spam Squad tag…I can see this is going to take off like wildfire šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
        It has been the same with me. I have had this problem so many times that I have lost count, but itā€™s truly annoying. I guess we should slow down our typing skills…or comment less: fat chance of that ever happening though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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      2. The one thing I really hate is that it’s always when I think I’m being super witty about something (fat chance šŸ˜‚) and I’m like “this is such a great comment, they’re going to laugh so….. Hey, wtf?? Where did it go??”… It’s like WordPress sleeping me in the face saying NO ONE THINKS YOU’RE FUNNY NICOLE! JUST. STOP. This is their way of saving you all. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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      3. Haha…yeah I know exactly what you mean. Whatā€™s even worse is the fact that when I really love a post and it seems like I only left a like on it people start to think, wow only a like huh? The guy must not like my posts anymore, he always placed a comment normally.
        Well…as for you, trust me: YOU ARE FUNNY! You know who isnā€™t funny though? WordPress šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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  3. I am also in all the posts of all bloggers barring a few who have marked me not spam. I tell all bloggers, they don’t bother, so I assume they have deleted my comments because they didn’t like it…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well, we’ll see what happens! It’s been happening to me more and more frequently. I don’t know if they’ve changed their policies, or if I’m just commenting faster, or what?? But, I feel like I’m dealing with this every week now. šŸ˜•

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  4. Yeah, this happens to me all the time. It’s so annoying. I also can’t stand it when my post doesn’t go into the reader, which is what happened this morning. So many people use the reader. Not only that, but notifications! I can go on and on not to complain. It could be worse I suppose, but come on! šŸ˜‰ ā¤

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    1. I ABSOLUTELY feel your pain on the whole reader thing from my own personal pain, and from the pain of trying to find people when I finally notice they HAVEN’T been on reader! There are so many blogs that I love, I don’t notice right away sometimes and then days will go by and I think “hmmm…. I haven’t seen anything from (insert name here) in a while.. That seems weird” meanwhile they have been posting every day and I feel like a jerk!
      Now I usually just ignore the reader and go to the blogs from likes off my post. Most of my favourites will be on there and it’s all in one spot! It’s DEFINITELY not fool proof, but I feel like I’ve been missing a LITTLE less??

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      1. Exactly! I feel like I need to do the same as you, but the reader has been so convenient (for me) because everyone’s in one spot. There are some blogs that I just have to check up on because their posts don’t ever show up like you mentioned. I guess you’ll have some glitches, but it’s so annoying! Lol. šŸ˜‰

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  5. I caught some of your comments in my spam folder early this month! But since then they have all been going through correctly. So sorry this is happening to you! I try to check my spam folder regularly but I forget a lot šŸ˜¦

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I seem to forget a lot as well, so I can’t blame you! It’s been happening to me a lot for the last couple of months. At first it was just people telling me that they would find a couple here and there in spam, but today it was EVERYTHING. I would say something I thought was HILARIOUS and worded PERFECTLY… And watch it disappear. Then I would try to duplicate it, and it just didn’t sound as good as the first time… And then THAT would disappear. It was like WordPress was ripping the words out of my soul and throwing then into a black hole… Probably for the best for everybody. Lol! But I was devastated!

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      1. did you try giving it a few minutes and then refreshing the page? Some of my comments today took a while to show up. But if you do it a second time then that could be what sent them both to spam! I hope they get it figured out!

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  6. I end up in spam jail all the time, Nicole, so I can relate to the frustration. What’s weird is that the comments are in no way odd and it’s often with bloggers that I’ve been chatting with for years. WP still hasn’t figured this out. This reminds me that I better check my spam folder!

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    1. Ha ha! You may find ME in there! Although, I feel like I get responses from you every time I comment, so I feel like you get mine! I can’t attest to my comments NOT being weird… But, I don’t thing they’re SPAM BOT weird. If that makes sense! Ha ha! šŸ˜‰

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  7. Hi Nicole, just so you know you didn’t go to spam on my new blog. I have to approve the comments because I have been receiving a lot of spam [sigh!]

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    1. My favourite one ever (I wish I had copied it!!) was one telling me that I was eligible to join some Brotherhood… Brotherhood of the knights of something?? I really should have followed up with that one!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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  8. i hear you Nicole. Spam has been hoarding my comments for the past couple months or so. it’s disappointing. at first i thought, whoa, what a rude blogger, then a few blogger told me they found my comments on their spam box – that’s when the lights clicked.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. i’m probably on your spam somewhere too. i think there was a comment last week…. it was a tag. the one where you put your laptop on the counter while you’re doing dishes or cooking or something? i left a comment there that you neer replied. Was i being ignored or sent to spam?

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Ooo… I’ll have to look now. Because, I’ve also had the problem where comments go to my comments, but they don’t appear in my stats menu thing.. They disappear. Fraggle gets shoved there a lot, she’ll appear in my incoming messages and then promptly disappear, and when I go into the actual comments menu, she’s there.

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  9. Seriously have to wonder why WordPress does this to bloggers. The one time I bothered to contact help regarding the problem they suggested maybe I used inappropriate language, which I don’t do, or posted links in my comments, which I almost never do, but that was the extent of their suggestions as to why my comments might be going to spam. The problem eventually sorted itself but periodically comes back and I know it inflicts other bloggers intermittently as well. I actually really like using WordPress but this kind of thing can seriously be a problem and needs to be addressed.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I love the community and the ease of use for the most part, but lately I feel like I’m spam more often then I’m I valued member of WordPress! šŸ˜‚ And this is just the one problem with WordPress that I’ve had that I actually had to post about… It’s definitely not the first and ONLY problem though!

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Oh, I hear you and feel your pain. I was going thru something similar since March. I can tell you it doesn’t help a whole lot to repeatedly write the happiness engineers to describe your problem. I wrote about my concerns back then https://rosepointpublishing.com/2018/04/15/im-not-ignoring-you-is-it-wp-or-the-1200-lb-gorilla/ and only recently finally found a HE who could help. Like you, I wonder about a change in their algorithms. These things seem to happen overnight. Rest assured, however, if you don’t show up in my in basket, I WILL look you up! Cheers, Nicole!

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Too true. Even things from the past like… Yogurt! Who decided to cultivate some mould, and then eat it?? Or different medicines?? Some wonderful things have come about from people doing some seriously weird and stupid things. Maybe the spamtini is the next step. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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  11. Not to make things even nuttier, Nicole but… I check my spam folder daily. A couple of times I’ve found followers in spam with a date several days old — and they weren’t in there the day before. The WP gremlins have an ugly sense of humor. Hugs.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Yeah. I checked and thankfully it was only the real spammers. Like the guy who ā€˜really needed the answers to this questionā€™ on my this or that tag… really??? Utter nonsense šŸ¤£šŸ™„šŸ˜„

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      2. I love those!! I had one that said “you use too many pictures. You are so talented, you should write more” (in broken English) and it was tied to a post with maybe ONE picture. šŸ˜‚… My favourite was still the secret Brotherhood that I was accepted into! I really wish that I kept that one. Or at least made a note of the name of it!! I kind of want to join now!! šŸ˜‰

        Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s definitely frustrating.. And it’s been happening A LOT. But, I will survive and keep doing what I do anyways! Hopefully people will be a little more diligent in checking their spam if they don’t hear from me.. But, it doesn’t help with trying to start following new blogs!!

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  12. Quite an interest trail….maybe you should slow down a bit ….stop upsetting the WordPress Crawlers and robots… Get one of their kind to do the typing for you…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ..
    Quick one !!! How did you learn to type so fast?šŸ˜•

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I will NEVER slow down!! Ha ha! I LOVE reading and commenting on the blogs that I follow!! WordPress needs to learn how to keep up with ME! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚
      I can’t even say how to learn to type so fast because I usually comment from my phone… Which I am useless with (I’m not a tech person AT ALL! I usually fat finger everything, and expect some weird autocorrect statements in most things I say. Lol! But it’s all from the heart!! šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ»šŸ˜‚)

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  13. On another notes …. Hey!! Thanks for stopping by “It Is What It Is” … and the follow. Hope you enjoy your
    visits there!! Hugs … Peace!!ā€™ __/l\__ … šŸ™‚

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