The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher’s Kid by Ronna Russell

uncomfortable confessions

4 out of 5 Stars


The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher’s Kid is the story of a childhood controlled by the brutal hand of a narcissistic, closeted homosexual. I believed I could leave my upbringing behind and walk away unscathed. I married a closeted homosexual man, in hopes he could keep me safe. As our sex life and bank account dwindled to nothing, fear kept me silent. In the meantime, my father died of AIDs. The pain of his death fractured my biological family, and I clung to my husband and children, creating a cocoon that became a prison. Eventually, I was forced to see my husband’s homosexuality and refusal to work, realizations that brought me to the breaking point. I found the courage to be alone, to take care of my children no matter the cost, and the joy of my own sexual freedom. In the process, I fell in love with my own life

My Thoughts

This book was so brave and unexpected! It definitely brought me back to my days growing up in a Catholic household. Although, of course, at the same time it’s completely different being a different religion all together.

I can honestly say that I didn’t have my parents telling me that I would be left behind in the Rapture (although, they probably wanted to! I DID see “Left Behind” at one point in life!) and, I didn’t have to fake receiving the Holy Spirit… Although, I did have to fake my way through many a prayer group… or 50. I still remember when my parents had our house blessed and the way the priest said the hail Mary had me in a fit of giggles that completely horrified my parents! Or spending New Year’s Eve at an abbey with  my Dad and a bunch of nuns.

Ronna touches on some really interesting subjects that really had me thinking! Like, going on missionary visits with her family and making exceptions for what the indigenous people could and couldn’t do (like wearing jewellery).

“I gazed out the window as the jungle dissipated, wondering how a rule of God’s could be changed for other people. Either a rule was a rule, or it wasn’t.”

Or dealing with the changes with our bodies after children after the emotional scarring of our parents,

“I wanted to not worry about the baby weight, but decades of emotional starvation and belief that I was unlovable if I was not thin had taken their toll on my mental health. Self-acceptance wasn’t an option.”

Or, how we can take things for granted in our lives. Even something as simple as a radio,

“The radio felt like a lifeline, the lyrics of pop hits were clues to the mysteries of the unreachable world outside of my own.”

She lays her heart and her life open to us within the pages of these books so that we can learn from her mistakes, and the mistakes of those around her,

“Love is not a contract or a deadline on an ultimatum or a deal or even a safety net.”

I don’t know how Ronna had the guts to put these things down on paper, but all the power to her! It was a tough journey, but I feel as though she’s strong enough to spread what she learned.

Pick up your copy Now!!

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The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher’s Kid is Best Served with a Holy Benediction


  • 1oz Benedictine
  • 5oz Champagne or Sparkling Wine
  • Orange Peel


  1. Chill Benedictine with some ice (or plan ahead and put it in the fridge or freezer for a bit.
  2. Strain into champagne flute.
  3. Top with Champagne or Sparkling Wine.
  4. Stir
  5. Add orange Peel garnish.
  6. CHEERS!!

29 thoughts on “The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher’s Kid by Ronna Russell

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      1. Defintitely! I was very content to know that you found a happy ending. Thank you for the epilogue and the little tid bits throughout the story! …. Although, I will be honest and say that I almost stopped reading when you said you didn’t like “Die Hard” or Rush!! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, she definitely seemed to! I loved the fact that she was able to so eloquently tell her story without giving it a “wah wah, woe is me tone”. It was more, this is what I went through, this is what I learned. Even pain can be good if you can learn from it. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Sounds like a wonderful, if heavy and dark, read, so I’m glad to hear that thing end up ok for the author in the end. I wonder sometimes how religion hasn’t destroyed most of us who grew up within its confines. I was lucky in that, though my grandparents were devoutly Catholic, they didn’t force it on us. Neither of my parents were overly religious, though my dad did go through a silly church-attending phase when he married the fourth of his five wives who came from one of those typical ostentatious Catholic families who make it a point to be seen going to church and being holy each week and then sin like the devil during the week. And my mom went through a similar phase, which I wrote about in my blog post on The Last Temptation of Christ. Happily, none of it stuck and I am the wholly normal person I am today because of it. 😉 Great review, Nicole, but as usual, I want the cocktail more than the book. However, I can picture you drinking it on New Year’s Eve with some nuns………..hahahahah!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucky that your family isn’t the “force you to church” type. My dad STILL asks me when I’ll “come back to the church”, and half my extended family refused to go to my sister’s wedding when she got married through a pastor instead of a Catholic priest.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m going to the Handmade Market, then having a garage party!! (that people may, or may not actually show up at. 🤣🤣) I wish you lived closer… You should come! 😀🍻😙


  2. WOW! 😲 I’m not sure I can imagine an upbringing more different to my own – I grew up in a determinedly atheist household, a (former) rock’n’roll musician father, so this book would certainly be an eye opener for me. And I’m intrigued by that cocktail pairing! I haven’t had Benedictine in AGES, I can barely even remember the taste! Thank you for sharing 😉❤️🥂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My own background was Protestant fundamentalist. Attended Sunday school/church regularly. Had to watch Billy Graham every time he did a special on TV and went to revivals every time an itinerant preacher came thru our tiny burgh. Even went to a religious summer camp once.

    I could never take religious dogma seriously. I had my nose buried in science books all the time. (I am kind of a failed Sheldon) It was interesting philosophy but not to be taken literally. I also knew from a VERY early age that my little secret (wanting to be naked) would be strongly disapproved of so I stayed in a custom closet I built just for myself.

    It wasn’t fun but I survived. As did you. And because of that, I get to read your lovely posts!


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