#WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesdays

Time for another WWW Wednesday! Let’s see what’s on the docket!

This one was started by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words !

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading


missing in millfield  CHECK IT OUT HERE

ardently loved CHECK IT OUT HERE

secret book and scone society.jpg CHECK IT OUT HERE

Recently Finished

mask beneath her face CHECK IT OUT HERE.                                                                                                                        MY REVIEW WILL GO UP TUES MAY 29TH

school of essential ingredients CHECK IT OUT HERE.


Crimson Siege ebook cover CHECK IT OUT HERE.



Afton-Morris-Series-eBook-High-Resolution-Book-1-768x1228.jpg CHECK IT OUT HERE

the things we learn when we're dead CHECK IT OUT HERE


67 thoughts on “#WWW Wednesdays

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    1. Oh, I definitely don’t have time! Ha ha! As it is I’m very behind (and typing to you right now instead of reading… good job Nicole!), and I have a full time job, but I cram the time in somewhere! Usually travel time with my audiobook and reading before bed and early in the morning since I don’t sleep much! NO TIME!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha ha ha!!!! Funny enough I got paid to lead the congregation in a CHURCH!! I’m surprised I didn’t burst into flames!! 😂😂 HA HA! But does communal wine count? Because then… I guess alcohol was present??

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I just happened to have a couple of days off and a little bit of time… for once! (I say as I’m typing this message to you and NOT reading the pile of books that I have to complete in the next couple of weeks! Ha ha!

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      1. Alfred ‘s life is a lovely book so am glad you’re going to do it, can’t think of a drink to go with it but I bet you can. Really enjoying Dirty Job it’s bonkers but in a good way! Also I’ve just decided my next read will be the Charlie Laidlaw book you put in this post, I checked the reviews in the link and am defo up for it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m SO excited for that one! I’ve wanted to dive right into it but it’s a physical book and I’m going camping next week and I love reading REAL books outdoors! So, I’ve been saving it to sit in the sunshine and read on my campsite!! 💖💖💖
        I’m glad you’re enjoying dirty job! Bonkers is a good word for it!! Ha ha! But, DEFINITELY in a good way!!
        And I’m really excited to check out Alfred’s life, I’m sure I’ll be able to find a drink to go with it. 😊💖🍻

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      3. Ha ha! Not the true wilderness this time, I’m afraid. I’ve had the pleasure of that at Algonquin quite a few times. I only have a few days this time though, so I’m afraid it just a plain old provincial park campground for me! But, I take what I can get!! If I could live outdoors, I would! (my man didn’t like it when I suggested that I live in a tent in our backyard.. What a curmudgeon..)


    1. I AGREE!! I’M GOING CRAZY… Although… I’m also being lazy. I had a day off and I had lofty goals of getting posts ready and reading at least 2 books that I needed to complete and being good…. And then I spent the day answering comments, reading blogs, hula hooping… And I little reading.
      Sometimes, you have to cheat a little and relax. 😉

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  1. The Secret Book and Scone society is such a great title for a book! One of those you instantly want to read just based on the cover and the mystery of the title.
    I love reading other people’s WWWs, there are always so many great books to add to an ever growing TBR list, and your reads look wonderful!
    This is my www for this week, if you’re interested x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll be sure to check it out!! I agree, I always find new and interesting books in people’s WWW’s, it’s such a great weekly post!
      The Secret Book and Scone Society was so cute and well written! My review for the one should be up soon!

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