Blog Tour-Nightmare’s Eve by Stephen H. Provost


Nightmare's Eve Cover

3.5 out of 5 Stars

Thanks to Xpresso Book Tours for allowing me on this tour in exchange for my honest opinion!

Check it out on Goodreads


A collection of 16 short stories and 10 dark poems in the tradition of “The Twilight Zone.”

Trapped for eight centuries in a space no larger than a shoebox. What would you do to escape? How far would you go to rid yourself of that parasite in your brain that feeds off the worst of your nightmares? What if the person closest to you were fated to die – and you were powerless to stop it?

What if your savior were also your greatest fear? Would you trade years of your life for a chance at redemption? Would you slay or spare the dragon whose eyes gaze up at you pleadingly in the final moments of its life?

These are the questions that run through the mind when twilight fades and eyelids grow heavy. Fight the onset of sleep. Thrash beneath the covers in futile defiance of what lies beyond. This is the between-time of Nightmare’s Eve, those brief but lingering moments between the waking world and the abyss. It will have you. It’s only a matter of time.

My Thoughts

If you are a fan of things like “Twilight Zone” and “Outer Limits” as I am, this is a great short story collection for you!

I unfortunately don’t have much to say about it as, if you have seen these shows, it’s all about the surprise, so I won’t go into great detail, but the message of many of the stories seems to be Human fallacy (my favourite subject!! Just let me put my tinfoil hat in first!! 😂) . Do we put too much reliance on material goods, Religion, our own mortality? Do we have too much of a “sheep mentality” ? What are our lives worth, really? The messages of these stories are very thought provoking, and they are told in a very entertaining fashion!

My one complaint would be that a couple of the stories went on a little too long after the big reveal. I was hoping for the big “but THIS is what is REALLY going on!!” and done, so you’re left with a surprise. There were a couple that were more “but THIS is what is REALLY going on!” *gasp*….. And then there’s more. It almost ruins that climactic moment. There wasn’t the gasp, No way! Done. That I had hoped for.

In saying that, I would still definitely recommend this book for someone looking for a little mind bending nostalgia!

Stephen H Provost


Stephen H. Provost is a veteran editor, reporter and columnists with more than 30 years of experience at daily newspapers in California. He’s currently the managing editor of The Cambrian on the Central Coast, as well as a columnist and assistant city editor for The Tribune in San Luis Obispo.
As an author, he has written historical nonfiction (“Fresno Growing Up” and “Highway 99: The History of California’s Main Street”), novels (“Memortality” and “Identity Break”), while also exploring the realms of mythology, fable and ancient history.

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Nightmare’s Eve is Best Served with

A Twilight Zone Cocktail

I found this one at the Carnival Cruise Lines recipes!

I’m sorry if my picture isn’t up to my usual standard, I’m at my cottage and had to work with the lights I had!


  • 1oz Light Rum
  • 1/2oz Melon Liqueur
  • 1 1/2oz Coconut Cream
  • 5oz crushed ice
  • Blue Curacao to float on top


  1. Put all ingredients (except blue Curaçao) into blender and blend until smooth
  2. Pour blue Curaçao in slowly to float on top
  3. CHEERS!!

Follow the Rest of the Tour!!

June 4th
Reading for the Stars and Moon
Becca Anne’s Book Reviews

June 5th
The bookslayer
Book Traveller
Amie’s Book Reviews

June 6th
The BookWorm Drinketh
Married To Books Reviews and Blog

June 7th
Books Direct
FyreSyde Publishing

June 8th
Les Chroniques Aléatoires
O. D. Book Reviews
Jazzy Book Reviews

June 9th
What Is That Book About
Port Jericho
Here’s to Happy Endings

24 thoughts on “Blog Tour-Nightmare’s Eve by Stephen H. Provost

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  1. I used to watch Twilight Zone with my dad when I was little and couldn’t understand half of what was happening. Lol. It’s definitely one of those shows I appreciated more when I got a little older.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The drink was perfect for a summery day! … I just hope Carnival Cruise lines don’t come after me I LINKED TO YOU!! 😂😂
      I’m a huge fan of the twilight zone, so this was right up my alley! Great stories, I just hoped for a little more of a cliffhanging shock at times! “they were actually on Earth THE WHOLE TIME!” *ominous music* *fade out*
      That sort of thing.
      This was more of a “they were actually on Earth the WHOLE TIME!” *ominous music* … Then they are found by others who take them to a lab to debrief them and explain the situation…. 😕
      It want all of the stories, just a couple and, overall, it was still REALLY enjoyable!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmmm, I do like the Twilight zone style books, Nicole. One short story along these lines was by Stephen King. I can’t remember the title but it was about an aeroplane that goes back in time through a hole and come across creatures that eat the past. They have to escape before they are eaten. Very scary.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’re talking about “the langoliers” I am not a fan of Stephen King’s writing style as I find him way too unnecessarily descriptive and perverse in his BOOKS, but I actually appreciate his short stories! (probably because he’s constrained on a word count!)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s so great to see short story and poetry collections getting so much attention this year – and Nightmare’s Eve is the best of both! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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