Father Figure Book Club Update!

Hello All,

For all of you who are interested in the Virtual Book Club to read “Father Figure” by James J. Cudney IV

Father Figure

I’ve decided on Friday June 12th at 8pm EST there is still time to join, if you would like! Just comment below! 

If you are on the other side of the world, I’d love to make a 2nd time for you. I have one person so far, and It’d be great to have more!

Now, for the plan!

  • I will be releasing the details and ingredients for a cocktail that, if you would like, you can join me in drinking during our chat. We can even make it together, if you’d like!
  • We will have a contest!!! As you read the novel, try to picture who you think would play these roles if Jay ever had a movie made! The actor has to be suited to the part NOW. So, alive and relevant. At the meet, we will all unveil the actors we choose, and Jay will unveil his for comparison. He will have fantastic prizes for people who guess the same as his choices! From e-book copies gifted to a person of your choosing, to a possible signed physical copy of the novel!!
  • And, of course, some amazing chat about the book including a Q&A with the author himself!

So far, I look forward to seeing

And, on the other side of the world, I’d love to set up a time to chat with

Let me know if you’d like to join either of the time zones!!

Here is a link to the book to get you all started!!

Amazon U.S.

Amazon Canada

Amazon U.K.

P.S. to all of you out in the U.K.. it appears to be on Kindle Unlimited for you folk right now, so a great time to join and get your socials on!!

Author Bio

james j cudney

James is my given name; most call me Jay. I grew up on Long Island and currently live in New York City, but I’ve traveled all across the US (and various parts of the world). After college, I began working in technology, program management, and business operations in the retail, sports, entertainment and media industries. Although I enjoyed my job, I began focusing on my passion in 2016: telling stories and connecting people through words. My debut novel is ‘Watching Glass Shatter,’ a contemporary fiction family drama with elements of mystery, suspense, humor and romance. To see samples or receive news from my current and upcoming books, please subscribe with your email address at my website: https://jamesjcudney.com

What do I do outside of writing: I’m an avid genealogist (discovered 2K family members going back about 250 years) and cook (I find it so hard to follow a recipe). I love to read; between Goodreads and my blog at https://thisismytruthnow.com, I have over 900 book reviews which will give you a full flavor for my voice and style. On my blog, I started the 365 Daily Challenge, where I post a word each day that has some meaning to me, then converse with everyone about life. There is humor, tears, love, friendship, advice and bloopers. Lots of bloopers where I poke fun at myself all the time. Even my dogs have segments where they complain about me. All these things make up who I am; none of them are very fancy or magnanimous, but they are real and show how I live every day.

A bit of humor: Everything doubles as something else when you live in NYC. For me, it’s the dining room, my favorite space in the apartment, where more than just my cooking is on display! As I look out the windows onto a 12th floor terrace, various parts of nature (trees, bushes, flowers, bugs & animals) inspire me to write. How else can you pen the best story possible without these things by your side?



16 thoughts on “Father Figure Book Club Update!

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  1. I will set a time between now and then to reread this book so I will be ready to discuss by June 12th. I do not watch a lot of television or movies, so that might be really difficult for me, but I will try to cast a movie for Jay.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha!! Thank you for trying, at least! Join us anyways and just hang out… Even though it’s at a ridiculous time for it. Next time, you and I are planning the book! And, we’re doing it at a time that works for you. THE BOOKWORM DRINKETH HAS SPOKE…. TH..
      Well, you get the picture. You’re joining us next time, lady. 😜

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m definitely still in! (I’m not sure why you couldn’t tag me.) I’d be more likely to drink water than a drink drink (an alcoholic drink) during this but I can still come, right?

    Liked by 1 person

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