Happy National ‘Fresh Squeezed Juice’ Day!!

Is this a thing?!?! WHY YES IT IS!! The best part is that it comes first, so I’m putting this post out today to get you all set for NATIONAL FRESH SQUEEZED JUICE WEEK JANUARAY 17-23!!!

So, I couldn’t seem to find ANYWHERE the reasoning behind this weird and wonderful Holiday observance… so, I’m making up my own logical reason.

I’m sure that we all had a long, stressful, probably not quite healthy, Holiday season. So, now it the Day (or, if you would like to wait) The week, to replenish our bodies with those sorely lacking vitamins!

I know, that here, there were A LOT of different colds and flu’s going around (I luckily avoided pretty much all of them, YAY ME! My man on the other hand got both Strep Throat and Tonsillitis!)

ren and stimpy

So, let’s all grab our juicers and get ourselves some much needed energy!!


Let’s Make some Juice!




  • 3 Carrots
  • 2 Oranges
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Cucumber
  • Feel Free to add some apple Juice from Concentrate to thin it out a little


  1. Cut up your ingredients to juicer size to fit. (MAKE SURE YOU PEEL CITRUS FRUITS. THE RIND WILL MAKE YOUR JUICE BITTER)
  2. Throw it all in
  3. CHEERS!!

*Please plan ahead and buy whatever fruit is on sale in your area. This can quickly become the most expensive juice you have ever ingested if you do not plan ahead!* 

I know you’re all saying BUT, WAIT NICOLE! NO BOOZE?!?!?! Feel free to add any booze you like to spike up your fresh juice! This was my morning before heading off to work…so, booze was off the table! But, indulge, enjoy and CHEERS!!

10 thoughts on “Happy National ‘Fresh Squeezed Juice’ Day!!

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    1. Of course you can!! You can get a hand juicer (that you would juice a lime with) wish I could show a pic in a reply, but it would be a lot harder.. And you couldn’t use carrots, it would be more for citrus. With citrus you could just squeeze them through a coffee filter or sieve… That would DEFINITELY be your workout for the day!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I might have to try too, but I’ll have to find some cheap produce first- I have carrots, lettuce, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries right biw

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahhh yes but parsnips are a rarity here unless someone sneaks some in their suitcase when they come over here so definitely not for a smoothie too precious x

        Liked by 1 person

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