Blog Tour- Kalorama Road by E. Denise Billups

Blog Tour Banner - Kalorama Road 07-10-2018

kalorama road

4 out of 5 Stars

Thank you to Jina S Bazaar at Author’s Inspiration for having me on the tour today!

Check out Kalorama Road for yourselves





There something Allie can’t remember, hidden memories bordering consciousness that refuse to surface until one day someone, something, ignites horrifying images of a forgotten night.

A year after graduating from Emsworth University, a mysterious email appears asking Allie one single question. What happened at 1414 Kalorama Road? Allie has no memory of that night and has tried to recapture what happened when a classmate went missing at an off-campus party. Someone wants her to remember, and they’re getting closer and more insistent. Forgotten memories gradually start to surface with gruesome images and a revelation that could ruin the reputation of her esteemed alma mater, Emsworth University.

My Thoughts

What a fantastic read! This may not have been a roller-coaster of a thrill ride, but at the same time I couldn’t put it down!

The characters were all wonderful and real. I loved the relationship between Allison and her sister.Coming from a broken home they had to rely on each other at a very young age, I could feel their pain from their childhood, but also their bond from only having each other.

Now, after saying that I loved how “real” the characters were, It’s funny to say that my favourite character was the voice of Allison’s Grandma Blu. Allison remembers her Words of Wisdom throughout the story,

“Never get into a stranger’s car unless you’re one-hundred percent sure.”

“Sugar, you’re strong enough to handle it.”

“God’s testing you again. Don’t ignore his knock.”

There were times that I did want to shake Allison and scream at her “LISTEN TO YOUR GRANDMOTHER!!” Like, accepting drinks from strange men, SHOULDN’T THAT BE RULE NUMBER 1??

Also, was this book written just for me?? When Allison starts her blog and meets CJ online I just reached on over and put that tin foil hat back on!

“Now you’ve met me.” CJ responded with a smiley emoji. 

Not really. You’re just disembodied words in cyberspace. I pause and consider whether CJ’s a man or a woman… Hmmm, or child. God, it would be embarrassing if it’s a teenage prankster?”

Yes, Allison. If they tell you they’re a 25 year old man, then you can ABSOLUTELY breathe a sigh of relief, because there’s NO WAY they’re lying! Ha ha! That being said, I really did enjoy the flirtation between Allison and Cj. He was interesting  and thoughtful and the whole exchange really did show how easy it is to forget that you really have no idea who any of these people are! But, he did have some lovely insight,

“Inspiration is everywhere. You’ll find it soon.”

I would absolutely recommend this book! To anyone, but ESPECIALLY to my fellow bloggers! It was unexpected and absolutely fantastic. I even read a couple of reviews on this book before being invited on the tour, and it was STILL a surprise to me! (Thank all of you for your spoiler free reviews!!)

Author Bio

Denise Cropped for Wix

An author with a rare mixture of Southern and Northern charm, E. Denise Billups was born in Monroeville Alabama and raised in New York City where she currently resides and works in finance. A burgeoning author of fiction, she’s published three suspense novels, Kalorama Road, Chasing Victory, By Chance, and two supernatural short stories, Rebound, and The Playground. An avid reader of mystery and suspense novels, she was greatly influenced by authors of that genre. When she’s not writing or reading, you can generally find her training for road races and marathons. She’s s a fitness fanatic who loves physical challenges of all types (running, biking, yoga, dance, and more) a discipline she uses to facilitate the creative writing process.

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Kalorama Road is Best Served with a Spanish Fly Cocktail



  • 1 part butterscotch schnapps
  • 1 part cherry liqueur
  • 1 part vanilla schnapps
  • 1 part cola


  1. Pour the ingredients into a cocktail glass over ice and stir.
  2. CHEERS!!

107 thoughts on “Blog Tour- Kalorama Road by E. Denise Billups

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  1. Wonderful review and drink choice! 🧡 “God’s testing you again. Don’t ignore his knock.” I love that one.

    Glad you enjoyed it so much and highly recommend. I’ll definitely check it out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You really should read it! It’s a very different take on the “unreliable narrator” sort of thriller. I usually HATE them, but Denise did a fantastic job balancing the unreliability of a certain situation, so it wasn’t a whiny weak narrator, but someone who couldn’t remember a certain time and was determined to find out what happened! 👍👍🍻

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Nicole, I have a big smile on my face that an emoji can’t portray. 🙂 I’m so happy you like the book and Grandma Blu. We all have those wise elders we fail to listen to. The Spanish Fly Cocktail sounds yummy! Butterscotch, cherry and vanilla, yum!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m so happy you enjoyed the review! I enjoyed your book so much. I’m extremely happy that you took a sort of “unreliable narrative” approach that WASN’T ANNOYING! 💖💖💖You still gave me a strong character even though there was something she couldn’t remember, you had her stand up, dust herself off and try to figure things out instead of whining and sobbing that “something” had happened. It was such a breath of fresh air, Denise. You have reaffirmed the trope for me!! 💖💖💖🍻🍻🍻 (… Until the next book someone writes that isn’t nearly as good as yours and ruins it all again! 😉). I hope to continue to read your wonderful writing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nicole, your words are an inspiration! This blog tour has been a definite eye opener. I’m taking the good with the bad and moving forward with every review. I’m always thrilled when someone liked the story and my character. By the way, I love your liquor suggestions at the end of every review! I can’t wait to read your next book review! Have a fabulous weekend, Nicole!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. 😂😂 Well, you know if you ever stopped reading my blog to avoid want ing to read more books, I’ll just stalk you out on YOUR blog “Wow Michel, great review on that action K-Drama! You know, it reminds me of this book I read….” 😂😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haha…stop reading your blog? Naw…don’t think that there is any danger of that ever happening lol. It’s way too much fun to read. 😂😂 Stalking me on my blog though…Hmm…maybe I just need to think off some security measures. Just in case you know? One can never tell 😂😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Great review, Nicole, i’m glad you enjoyed the book.
    Now, Nicole, you made my faith in blogging waver. Are you called Nicole or Nicolas? Is it possible you have a beard and a bald head? Or maybe you’re a nun?Ha-ha, just kidding, but you made a good point, one that, when i first started blogging, i kept wondering about . But as the time passed, you can say i became complaisant.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
        Or it was written by a child😉😉😉😉😂😂😂😂😂😂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Ya. No more of those, PLEASE!!! Or I will just say “this book is NOT GOOD.” And that will be it. And people will say, “but why, Nicole??” and I will say “… I’m sorry, I must not divulge, for Shalini says that I talk too much.” 😂😂

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Well…I think fraggle already said it very well: enough is enough. My TBR can’t take it anymore lol.
    Seriously though, this sounds like a great read. It even in some way reminds me a bit of the I know what you did last summer movie. (Only a bit though). Well…you know it…it’s already on my list now! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You should read it! Seriously, Michel. I hate the whole “unreliable narrator” kind of trope, but Denise made it good!! I really appreciated a character that wasn’t dithering around going “oh, but what happened??” (okay, maybe a little bit. But, that’s wasn’t because of the what happened, it was she lost her job and became a bit of a lazy slob. 😉😂) but, it was so enjoyable! It was definitely a unique take on this type of suspense! 💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. worries. I have already added this one to my to read list on Goodreads ( I do wonder when on Earth I will ever complete that list, but that is a question for another day to be answered lol 😂😂
        But you have made me curious enough for this one! So thanks for that 😊😊

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Ya.. Some day I should stop adding things and challenge myself to get some of them OFF the list. (That will never happen, because every day I’m finding new books to read! But a girl can dream! 😅)

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Haha…no the day my to read list has been fully read is the day that there are no more books being made. Jeeezzz…talk about total horror. Imagine if that ever happened? 😱😱😱😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Well that makes two of us, although I would also die if movies/tv series would disappear…talk about a nightmare 😱😱 Hmm, this could actually make for a fun horrorstory😂😂


      1. Yup, he’s an old man! 😉😂 I love that he never reads my blog because he won’t see this, we’ve been picking on him a lot tonight (having a fire with him, my sister, our friend and his kid and we’ve all been picking in him) 😋 the funny thing is that I grew up with older things with a father who was obsessed with the 20s-50s, so he doesn’t know half of what I’m talking about! 😂😂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Well, he’s stuck it out for 10 years! Although, he HATES IT when a song or actor comes on something from that time frame and I say “do you know who this is?!” he says “No.” and I proceed too say “REALLY?!” …..”Yes Nicole, I was kidding. I just said no to mess with you so you would regale me with who it is and why I should know…” HA HA HA!!! Ah, I love that man. Ha ha!!!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Allison awoke my paranoid soul as a blogger (….okay,. it was never asleep. Lol!) I mean… WHO ARE YOU, Jay? You could be an 80 year old woman…you could have 80 year old woman LOCKED UP IN YOUR BASEMENT!! I have no idea! Ha ha ha!!!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. …Maybe you’re an 80 year old woman WITH 80 year old women locked up in your basement!!! ….Did you need the knitting circle THAT BADLY, Jay?? DID YOU??? Ha ha ha!! Oh God.. I have to stop this and go to work! Ha ha!!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Whaaaat? Me locking up old ladies?
        I don’t mind locking up Jay in my basement. I already love him and his briefs too much…
        Nicole girl, old ladies do nothing for me… The wrinkly old men would also do nothing for me… But in between these ages – I don’t mind locking anyone up

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Ha ha ha!!! But, we established that Jay is, in reality, an 80 year old woman masquerading as a young male! So, you DO have a thing for old ladies!!… And their briefs. 😘😂😂😂😂😂


      3. You have established that… Jay is nice enough to go along with you.
        For me Jay is sweet 24 so his briefs are welcome, or rather no briefs are more welcome 😉😉😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Shalini, you’re far too trusting! Jay is an 80 year old woman who’s been messing with you!
        Just like…. The truth should come out… I’m a 65 year old man from Mississippi… 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣😘


      5. Me?? When did I ever speak about knitting?
        I can knit pretty well, but that’s 3 decades ago, Nicole wasn’t even born then… Jay you are forever 24.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. I’m totally buying into the Shalini locking up people story… depending on age and gender she probably would demand briefless….. 🤔😉😂

        And Jay, you weren’t supposed to mention the food bit! Now Shalini knows I know where she’s hidden you.

        Liked by 2 people

      7. I don’t drink hence the cozy babe smuggles the drinks… And I locked Jay up thinking him to be 24 year old man till Nicole revealed the truth… Hence I don’t want to see his granny panties.
        BTW I have nothing against granny panties, they sound comfy and large..

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Yay! So true! Grandma Blu was full of wisdom (that no one listened to -.-) ohh and that drink looks enticing! Lately, anything with ice is enticing, I’m melting here 😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

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