Gaming Anyone???

Hello all! I’m sorry I’ve been M.I.A for a few days, but I may have a solution for that! I haven’t been blogging because I was….. GAMING! *gasp*

“but, Nicole, you’re a READER!!” Yes, yes…. I know. But, I’ll let you in on a big secret. I AM A HUGE GEEK!!

A lot of my followers and people that I follow already know about my love of Anime and manga, some of you know about my love of Korean Dramas… Now, it’s out. I’m also a gamer geek. Video games, card games, board games, table top, pen and paper. You name it, I’ll play it!

Well, since the start of my blog in November I haven’t had any time for gaming and it’s made me very sad… (I have such a back log because I haven’t stopped BUYING games. Just PLAYING them! Lol!) So, I’m putting a proposition out there. Would anyone out there be interesting me doing a gaming segment twice a month? I’d really like to know all of your thoughts. I know I cover a lot as it is with my food and drink and book reviews… But, it would give me an excuse to go back to my games without feeling guilty about it!!

Let me know in the comments below and if I get some positive feedback then maybe I’ll add it to my repitoire!

32 thoughts on “Gaming Anyone???

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  1. Yes! Please do a gaming segment. I have sort of lost my gaming spirit in favor of other geeky stuff (read manga, anime, coloring books and super heroes) so some inspo would be nice. 🙌🏻

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yay!! I lost my gaming spirit for a while there too.. Mostly for video games with the introduction of after production patches. The whole ‘I’ll release a broken game and fix it later’ mentality really got to me. Add that to ‘day 1 DLC’ … If you had it ready… WHY DIDN’T YOU PUT IT IN THE GAME?? and they lost me.. But, I just played a tabletop game that brought back my love of gaming (review will follow if people like this idea!) and I have some vgs and other tabletop and card games waiting in the wings just BEGGING me to play them!! 😊😍

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      1. Oh, I like what I read! *People of the world, like this idea please, we need this content in this blog.* Yeah, I hear you about the patches. That is just so stupid. I’d rather a game be delayed than having a half done game that needs fixing later on.

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  2. Yes on the gaming segment! I would love to read your opinions on gaming, from video to board games. As I myself am quite the gamer nerd (board games and video games). Please do a gaming segment 😍

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  3. Yay \o/ I’m so happy to hear that! I’m also an anime, manga, food, books, kdrama and game lover yush! I even posted some pics of my gaming endeavors on my previous post, heh. Now I’m curious to know what kind of gamer you are 😀 I’m an RPG, final fantasy fan, Steam and Humble Bundle game hoarder with a long TBP list (to be played) list hahaha! Nice to meet you gamerdrinketh 😀

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    1. Ha ha ha!! Oh, I’m totally an RPG girl myself, but I also love really WEIRD indie games! Lol! I may have to do some special posts for strange games like ‘there’s poop in my soup’ and ‘what’s under my blanket’ LMAO!! actually, that’s a really good idea….

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    1. If you enjoy games than I think you’re a gamer!! I don’t like all the labels where you have to play ‘hard core’ games to be a ‘gamer’ I think a gamer is anyone who enjoys any sort of game and is willing to check out more! Hopefully everyone will find SOMETHING they enjoy in my gaming posts! Lol!

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  4. I’m not a gamer, Nicole, but I’m a strong advocate of doing what makes you happy!!! So game it up and share without the slightest guilt. And there are tons of gamers out there who will love it. 😀 😀


    1. Ha ha! Ya. I just didn’t want it to get too confusing since I won’t get organized and commit to a blogging schedule.. Between no schedule and so many topics I didn’t want people thinking “.. So, what is the POINT of this??” 😉

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