COVID-19 Update from this Boozy BookWorm.. Who Needs Saving from Boredom??

Hello All, Just a quick update for anyone wondering why this BookWorm has been a little quiet lately! I was hoping this whole thing would disappear more quickly than it has... that doesn't seem to be the case. So, an update for the future! I will continue to put out my reviews, and they will... Continue Reading →

Sunshine Blogger Awards!! #help #sunshine #bloggers

Here I thought that everyone might need a little sunshine on these gloomy days (even if it is sunny out... it still FEELS a little gloomy!) This tag is 2 years old... YIKES!! Have I been slacking THAT BADLY?! Time to get back on the horse. All I can say, is that the last couple... Continue Reading →

Dear Blogger Friend, We’re in This Together

Had to reblog this from Irina over at [I drink and Watch Anime] who is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC and just saved me by reading my mind and posting the PERFECT thing today when I was fretting about having nothing to post today as I don’t (sadly) have the time! STOP READING MY MIND IRINA!!! Lol! PLEASE check out their blog as it it WONDERFUL!!

I drink and watch anime

Dear friend with a blog,

Have you been getting the feeling that you are a little bit too invested in your blog. You fret and worry about it. You’ve set up all these imaginary goals and now you feel bad when you fail to reach them no matter how unrealistic they may have been.

Do you feel like you owe your blog something? I know you feel lazy and a little ashamed when you haven’t posted in a while. You’re not going to lose sleep over it but, still. You feel bad if you don’t deliver on projects you may have teased. You feel a little let down when you pour your heart and time into a post that goes ignored. You have some emotional attachment to your work, I get it.

Related image you may be overdoing it

Ok I know a few of you are super cool. You can just…

View original post 1,174 more words

But I Digress… A Cleaning Quandary

So, I had people over yesterday, and I'm sure you've all had to suffer through this, you clean all day; mopping and scrubbing. People come in and it's just a frenzy! People are dropping food on your newly mopped floor, they're wandering in with shoes on, they're defiling your newly scrubbed bathroom... Why do we... Continue Reading →

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