Out of This World Blogger Award!!

out of this world blogger award.png

I stole this header picture from Munch Reviews, thank you, Maddie!! (I actually stole it from google, but funny enough it was sited as coming from you!! Ha ha!! What sare the odds?!)


Thanks so much to Fiction no Chaser who nominated me for this award! Please go check out their blog where they ALSO pair book reviews with alcoholic beverages! (Great minds think alike! Ha ha!)


  • Thank the blogger(s) that nominated you and link back to their post.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Don’t forget to grab your badge!
  • Nominate 3-5 bloggers for the award.
  • You may use the header image from this post if desired.
  • Please be sure to link back to the original post   and credit the creator: Reader Voracious Blog

The Questions:

  1. What (or who) inspires you and why?

The weirdest things inspired me… I know this is going to be an unexpected answer, but I can’t say that a specific thing inspires. The first snowfall inspires me (those big fat flakes that look like cotton floating!), trees inspire me when the wind is blowing through them on a blustery day… have to ever taken a walk on a fall day and there is just something perfect about it that you just feel like you can do anything??

People also inspire me, but not a specific person! It’s usually an action, a look, or a word or phrase; a hug from my parents, a sardonic look from my man (usually when I’m putting myself down and he’s giving me the “stop being an idiot, you’re getting annoying” look, a snuggle from me fur baby, a quote from a book, or a comment from one of my readers, friends or authors!!

  1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

THE PEOPLE!!! I have met so many fantastically wonderful and supportive people on WordPress that my heart is full!! This is going to be a little against the rules… (but, I LOVE breaking rules!!! I’m going to make my nominations here and give a few shout-outs to some people who have really been a great help to me along the way in my blogging. *IF I DON’T MENTION YOU, YOU ARE STILL VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME!! THESE ARE JUST A FEW PEOPLE WHO HAVE GIVEN ME AN EXTRA PUSH WHEN I WAS DOWN OR STARTING OUT!!*

Those who Started me out!

Dani @ Touch my Spine (Dani was my first follower on WordPress! She’s always been a rockstar!!)

Kim @ By Hook or by Book (Kim was also one of my first followers, and, what can I even say?? Kim is an inspiration to us all with her whimsy, her perseverance and her beautiful heart!!)

Those who have Kept me Going

My Ladies!

Nina @ the Cozy Pages

Shalini @ Books, Reviews, et al by Shalini

You ladies have put up with my whining and my shenanigans time and time again. You’ve helped me through dark, hard times and you’re always there to put a smile on my face. You’re both so strong and lovely I don’t know what I would ever have done without you!! You also put up with my atrocious writing, and my constant Bear jokes! (Although, I blame Shalini for that!)  If anyone has not checked out these two blogs, YOU NEED TO!! Their reviews are fantastic and their comment sections are usually quite entertaining. Ha ha!!!

Those who Stalk me with Love and who I Gladly Stalk back with the Same Feeling!!!

James J. Cudney IV @ This is My Truth Now (What can I say about Jay?? We hit it off and Jay immediately added me to every social media he could think of. His briefs are a thing of legend, and he’s one of the sweetest people I know! He’s become a sort of leader and mascot to my ragtag ladies “BookWorm Angels” group of Nina, Shalini and I… although, I don’t know if he knows that… do you, Jay?? Ha ha! This is also perfect timing because he’s just announced a tentative Name and synopsis to his THIRD BOOK coming out this FALL!!! Please click on his blog name here and check it out, I AM STUPID WITH EXCITEMENT FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!)

Raistlin (Michael)Michels Book/Boardgame/Movie review Blog  (…..words cannot describe how much I love Michel. He is literally the sweetest most positive person I have ever met. I just want to roll him up, stick him in my pocket, and take him everywhere so he can joke around and yell positive things to me, forever… too much?? I should also add that he seems to be getting used to how absolutely creepy, stalker-y (yes that’s a word), and inappropriate I can be!! He has been such an inspiration with his constant comments (I still don’t understand how you do it!! I was commenting for ELEVEN HOURS yesterday and STILL haven’t caught up!!! …I picture a conspiracy of trained lemurs doing all of your commenting for you while you sip on all of the drink recipes from my blog! (I really just wanted it to be lemurs because a group of them is is actually called a CONSPIRACY… and that’s what this is!!!) Okay, before I write a novel about how wonderful you are (and I could!) I’m going to move on!! But, if you haven’t checked out Michel’s blog….. well, I just call you a liar. I mean, WHO HASN’T?!?!

Vanessa @ Food in Books (My soul sister and partner in crime…. or in perversion… I haven’t decided which! Ha ha!!! You’re always there to call me on my idiocies and weirdness…. and then join in! You match my demented mind and I love that!! …. you also owe me A LOT OF FOOD, so, I need to keep you close by. I absolutely love collaborating with you, and I hope we have a long and perverted friendship….. okay, that DID NOT come out right! But, I’m keeping it, as YOU’LL KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!  Everyone needs to check out her fabulous reviews paired with her absolutely mouthwatering recipes…. seriously, Vanessa… WHERE’S MY FOOD AT?!

*Again with the disclaimer!! I love all of you who read and comment on my blog (as you all know when I constantly stalk you out on your own blogs!) you’ve all been imperative to my survival on this crazy interweb, and keeping what little sanity I have left! All of you who come back to check on my insane and garbled nonsense again and again are ridiculously precious to me (I honestly can’t believe there’s any of you…. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?? Ha ha!!)

twerk heart

I will never get tired of this GIF…..


3.If you could be any character in fiction, whom would you be and why?

OOoooooooo….This is a tough one, and would probably change all the time… should I be my typical Elizabeth Bennett, so I can have Mr. Darcy (and share Pemberley with Nina, of course), or should I go with Roxanne from “Heir of Ashes” by Jina S Bazaar (WHO SHOULD GET HONOURABLE MENTION, AS SHE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND MY JIN… GENIE!), so I can potentially have Luke?? (That remains to be seen in the rest of the series… but, I would get him regardless!)

Wait… so Nicole, both of your choices are because of men-folk??? Hey, don’t judge! But, it’s ALSO because these are two strong and intelligent female leads! …..who just happen to end up with super hot, amazing broody types. Ha ha!!


  1. If you had six months with no obligations or financial constraints, what would you do with the time?

….My body and head want to say travel…. my heart wants to say sit on my couch and catch up on K-Dramas, VG’s and Books while eating all of the disgusting/wonderful things I can think of, then at the end (since I have no financial obligations) I’ll get liposuction or something to take off the 300 pounds I probably gained, and go back to my life!

cartman wow.gif

  1. What is one piece of advice that you would give a new blogger?

DON’T WORRY ABOUT ANYONE ELSE, OR STATS!!! Write for yourself. People will follow you anyways… God knows why!! But, it will happen. Sometimes, times are slower than others, it’s like everyone disappears at once (rhapsody??), people will return. They may not be the SAME people, but what’s wrong with meeting new people?! (Now if only I could follow MY OWN advice!!)

Another thing I will say is DON’T OVERWHELM YOURSELF!! I started back at the end of November last year and WENT CRAZY!! I got author requests, Netgalley books GALLORE and signed up for every blog tour I could find…. and I didn’t sleep for months and I’m STILL playing catch up! (SORRY TO ANY AUTHOR WHO READS THIS WHO’S BOOK I HAVEN’T GOT TO YET!!! I AM SO BEHIND, BUT HAVEN’T TAKEN ON ANY NEW PROJECTS SO THAT I CAN CATCH UP!!!) Take your time and get your footing. Maybe even write some reviews and posts just on your computer to stockpile before even starting your blog…  it can get away from you quickly!

help me.gif


  1. Optional: Freebie question – share something with us!

Hmmmm…… what can I share…. Well, I am a romantic at heart. Not many people would think this with my somewhat crass and unpolished ways. I’m SUCH a tomboy, I drink scotch and beer, love American football, will pee outdoors and smoke cigars….. but, I am a HUGE softy. I grew up on musicals from the 30s-50s and things like “Singin’ in the Rain”, “April in Paris”, “Summer Stock”, etc…. just absolutely melt my heart. It took me a long time, growing up, to realize that relationships aren’t like that! (thank you to all the boys who tried!! I actually had some try to sing and dance to win my heart… they will forever have a piece of it. Just don’t tell my man that)


156 thoughts on “Out of This World Blogger Award!!

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  1. Okay, if your intention was to give me a face that just about now looks completely like the reddest tomato that you have ever seen: You have totally succeeded in that. I just don’t even know what to say. This was just…the sweetest thing ever❤️❤️😘😊😊 Of course I am totally blushing here all over the place, while at the same time I’m grinning like an idiot (and combined with me already pretty crazy personality that is not such a good combo I think 😂😂😂). Seriously though! Thank you. I though I said this weekend that I would be the one to keep telling YOU how awesome, sweet, kind, amazing and just totally incredible you are: not the other way around! 😂😂 I really appreciate this, but of course you doknow that there is going to be some form of payback here 😈😈
    I loved the rest of this post as well by the way (Yes of course I read it entirely…duh…😎😎). Your advice was especially good. So many people are obsessed with their stats. It totally takes the fun out of blogging at times. Sure if no one reads your stuff it would become annoying (not to mention there would be no chance to go do the stalky things 😂😂). But otherwise I don’t really worry about my stats at all. 😊😊 Lol…and the thing that not many people would guess behind me either: I’m also a romantic at heart (don’t laugh but I saw Titanic 9 times in the theatre….hey, I told you: don’t laugh 😂😂😅😅😅). It’s the truth though!
    I also loved what you wrote about getting inspired by certain actions: that’s so awesome, I really love that 😊😊😊
    Well, before this comment becomes longer than this entire post: thank you so much, this post truly made my day! I’m now going to see if I can make my face regain it’s normal colour again 😂😂 You are the sweetest 😘😘❤️❤️😊😊🍺🍺

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Ps… I have a robot army of clones that I keep in reserve in case I want to one day take over the world. Now all they do is keep writing comments. They took over the job from the lemurs who just weren’t efficient enough 😂😂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Ya. Those damned lemurs are always flitting off to find their cliffs to jump off! Well, I’m glad you keep the robots busy with everyone else so you can chat with ME personally
        001 01 10 1 000 01 1 1010 0010 01 10 0011 10110
        Dammit robot, stop giving away that I’M not the one writing THIS!! 🤖😂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Hahahaha 😂😂 See I rest my case, this kind of crazyness is what I am talking about 😂😂
        01101 1100 01 10 0100 10 000 1 01 10 100…Yep I just let my robot totally write your robot’s comment in reverse. Of course it’s still me talking here though. You believe me right?? 😂😂🤖🤖

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Dammit, Michel! Writing the input backwards has caused my FAVOURITE robot to explode!! 🤖🔥🔥 What am I supposed to do now?!… Ah well, 11 hrs commenting yesterday means they’re not very efficient, anyways! 😅


      4. Oops…I’m so sorry. I will sent my support robots heading your way. they will fix up that favorite robot of yours in no time! 😊😊 And they can stay and help with those comments too. Instead of 11 hours, you will only be busy for 10 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds! 😀😀🤖🤖😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. No.. don’t you start too Dani 🙈🙈🙈I just got my blushing under control here 😊😊 Thank you, but in my book you and Nicole are the ones that truly deserve these nominations: you both inspire people and make this blogging world, such a great place to be in. Keep on rocking and being such amazing people. You two are absolutely out of this world 😘❤️

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ve been super stressed out the last few weeks, but one thing I have loved is that I haven’t even had the TIME to look at my stats!! I was worrying way too much about them, but I’ve realized…. I really don’t care!! I’m over 500 followers, but I only get about 30-40 likes on my posts if I’m lucky. But, those 30-40 people mean the world to me, and that’s all that matters. 😊 Stats are just a joke anyways! It’s the quality that matters! I just enjoying my crazy crap out there and checking out who ACTUALLY wants to say something about it!! 😂😂
      And…. I don’t like the sound of payback…. I may have to take Gandalf back out of retirement… “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!” 😅

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Yeah…I know, and as I said in the weekend, I really am sorry to have something that crappy happen to you. I hope things on that front will be getting better for you, and remember what I said, always feel free to message me if you want to talk about it. We joke a lot here (and ofcourse I totally love that as I am as we have already established completely nuts 😂😂) but I can be serious as well, so yeah..just never forget that I am here for you! 😊
        I feel about stats the exact same way. I am nearing the 1400 followers now, but it’s the people that take the time to read a post, leave a like and comment that mean the world to me. And then there are some extra special people that I care the most about 😊 (And DUH of course you are one of those special people 😊😊).
        Lol…I love your crazyness!! It always make me smile, and today you have really outdone yourself!
        As for Gandalf….no use, my robots have already taken care of him. My revenge will be sweet…muhahahaahah 😊😊😊😊😈😈😈 Seriously, I would not worry…..much………😈❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haha…good, the first level of payback has already begun. Already made you blush! 😊😊 Lol oh…than there is nothing to worry about. I would say you the worry level will only go up five levels of worry form 25…so…that’s not too bad is it? 😈😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Grumble, grumble…okay, okay….I will sent my protype superdeluxe special one of a kind robot to you. He is the perfect clone and does everything that you tell him to (just don’t tell Dani, in case she get’s jealous🤔🤔😊😂😂).

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Ha ha ha!!! 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖
        See, the first one is the “kind” I call Larry, the second, the “kind” I call “Susie” the third is the “kind” I call Bob……

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Can’t stop laughing here 😂😂😂 See…now I knew there was something in that comment that wasn’t right. Thank you for pointing it out. I will now get to work on that really one of a kind extra special robot that will serve only you 🤖 Yes…it will be called the Nicolebot. Hmm, now I’m wondering if there is something in this comment that is off. Can’t quite decide what that is…..🤔🤔😳😳

        Liked by 1 person

      6. ….. You’re going to make a robot of me?? Hey, Michel… Remember when we made that pact that we would let each other know when we were entering creeper territory?? No? Maybe I made that up…. 🤖😂😂😂😂💖

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Lol 😂😂😂🤖🤖🤖 No not a robot of you, a robot for you, that serves you and responds only to you and does all the things you want it to do. Hmm…this isn’t making things better is it? 😳😳 (01 10001 0011 1000)
        Heey!! What are you lousy robots doing to my comments section…what did you write in my abscence? …hmmm…what WhAAAAAAATTTTT!!?!?!? Nicole…so sorry it wasn’t me that wrote these….really…😳😳😳😳

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      8. HA HA HA!!!! 😂😂😂😂 Michel’s building me a sex robot!! It’s what I always wanted!! (I told you one of your robots is in love with me… It’s already putting itself out there for the job!) 😂😂😂 I’m dying here!!!
        WedMD, what wrong with me??
        Characteristics–shortness of breath, pain in sides, leaking from ocular cavities, sore jaw muscles
        WebMD Diagnosis – Stop conversing with Raistlin and all symptoms will cease and desist.

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      9. haha I’m really having trouble here 😂😂 I’m getting severe stomache pains from all this laughing. I think when I show up for work tomorrow I will have a permanent (and probably very creepy) grin stuck on my face 😂
        Haha…well see, you can’t say I never gave you anything! 😂😂😂 This robot is a little bit too eager though if you ask me. It’s really getting creepy. Maybe I should shut it down, just in case? I know it’s the gift you always wanted, but…I don’t know 🤔🤔
        I wonder what my diagnosis will be though when I enter it in WedMD…
        Hmm…Symptoms: Can’t stop laughing any more, pain in stomache, tendency to build robots for weird purposes, face stuck in stupid grin mode.
        WeBMD Diagnosis: A severe case of the Nicole syndrome: it starts with a small comment, than totally explodes until the crazy comments hit you so fast you can’t get out of it anymore. Prognosis: completely doomed and no escape for the rest of your life 😂😂

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      10. Ha ha!! Well, the Doctor’s always right!!… Right?… Correct??…. English language failing…. Well, good thing I’m spending thousands of $$$$ to go back to school for it!! 😂😂😂💸💸💸💸💸💸

        Liked by 1 person

      11. Haha..I don’t know if the Doctor’s always right? Or are you talking about Doctor Who? Because he just might be always right…erm…something like that 😂😂
        Oh well…if all that money is gone, you can always try to rob a bank? There’s a solution to pretty much any problem 😂😂
        Well…just in case I don’t speak to you anymore today (it’s nearing midnigh here again…) this is me saying good night, and thanking you for an amazing post, and all the great laughs! 😊😊😘❤️🍺🍺😊😊

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      12. Good morning!! I FOUND IT!!! I had to dig to the centre of the Earth… But, DAMMIT, I FOUND IT!!!! MUAHAHAHA HAHA!!! 😃🙈👋🖐️ *Jazz hands* (…. Just ignore the fact that they’re both right hands…)

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      13. Haha…woohooo (Going to be giving a big party now in celebration of this monumental event 🎉🎉🎉) (and it’s a very good excuse to throw a party for right??).
        But yes as my comment can’t talk for himself, I want to thank you on behalf of him. He was really feeling very left out and in the cold 😂😂😂🙌


      14. 🙌👏
        I’m over 500 followers, but I only get about 30-40 likes on my posts if I’m lucky. But, those 30-40 people mean the world to me…. me too!!!! Lol
        It’s hard to remember it’s not important but once I started letting go of the deranged stats stalking that I used to do, I feel more relaxed! 😉

        Liked by 3 people

      15. Yup. Oh it was by force for me. I’m going to be on less the next couple of weeks and I’m priming myself to accept that the stats are gonna drop…. and that’s okay! It’s okay! 😄

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you so much darlin. The
    🐻Is all yours. I am always innocent. This is such a fabulous post. You are all heart Nicole
    This post was simply poetry in prose where it just trickles from your heart. Simply Amazon.
    Delighted to be your friend/support. You can mail us anytime, anywhere. I hardly sleep so till 3am I am all yours. 😘😘

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ha ha! Yes, I know, crazy lady!! You’re going to kill yourself one day! You make Nina and I worry! I know that sleep is for the weak… But, I’m weak and squishing and like to get me some of that!! 😂😂…. Why does everything always come out of my mouth wrong?? 🤔👄

      Liked by 3 people

    1. I meant stalk in the most loving way!! As in, we follow each other on various forms of social media and love to check up on each other a lot because we are of like mind and enjoy each other’s company!! We do the GOOD kind of stalking!! 😜💖💖💖💖😅


    1. Awwwww…. BRIGADOON!!! How could I forget the Heather on the hill??? Geez! Thanks for the reminder! I STILL have a crush on Gene Kelly!!… I don’t care if that’s weird. Lol!
      Also, you know I think you’re amazing, Kim! 💖💖💖💖 You’re like the Godfather (mother?) of WordPress to me! Ha ha! I’ll be your hired muscles to break the legs of any blogger who hurts one of your readers. Especially, on this, the day of your daughters wedding….. Okay, that all got a little strange. 😂😂😂😂😂 Clearly the 8 hrs sleep I got, that I NEVER do, messed with, and broke my brain….

      Liked by 1 person

  3. How come I have never come across your site before?! This post makes me so happy!
    Keep spreading the love and celebrating life -Because you are doing it like a rockstar!

    I am very excited to follow your journey 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I had so much fun writing it. 😁😁 Everyone has been so nice lately with my inconsistent blogging and trying to keep up that the inspiration came from everyone’s beautiful goodwill this time!! I’ve been so appreciative! 💖

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      1. Would that be interesting??
        “this book was very deep, delving into the sad and lonely mind of the main protagonist as he contemplates suicide, versus his life’s worth” (insert twerking heart. 😂😂)… I’ll bet if that main character saw it, he would decide his life was worth living! 😉🤔

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      1. So THAT’S why so many people un-follow me! “I guess they can’t take my guatamalan-ess, my natural heat! 😎🔥” (man, I wish that I could put up a GIF of Hank Azaria in the Birdcage right now!!… Hopefully you’ve seen that movie, and you get it… Otherwise just laugh and pretend that I’m funny! 😂💖)… I really have to stop answering comments passed midnight! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Okay… I’m finished stalking your comments now!
    Oh my gosh Nicole… what a sweet post!!!!!! Thank you so much my dear. I love you so much I would even be willing to share Pemberly with you… and Darcy 😉
    Blogging has been fantastic for me to meet new people to share my love of books and slightly zany ways. Chatting with my best blog gals is always a highlight of my day!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awww…. Okay… Blushing really needs to stop today. 😊😊 Everyone else deserves all of the thanks and praise. Seriously, I wouldn’t still be doing this without any of you. I also learn so much from you wonderful blogs…. Oops, shouldn’t have said that. If you see wonderful elements from your blog on mine, I TOTALLY didn’t steal them!! 😉😂 Really though, I already told you how much I enjoy your blog, and I’ll tell you again! Your reviews are so great and, as someone who had no presence on the internet about 8 months ago, I LOVE sponging off your don’t of knowledge!! 🤔🤔 Okay, I need to stop responding to comments at almost midnight! Hope this wasn’t weird! 😂😂😉💖

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      1. Ha ha! Well, you’re awesome at it. I read reviews like yours and some other blogs that I follow and their all so scholarly! You really delve into the mechanics of the book. My reviews are like verbal diarrhea.. I never form coherent thoughts before slathering my feelings all over the page, so where as yours are like
        “Overall, I found What We Were Promised to be a thought-provoking and beautifully written novel about cultural and familial expectations, and how those same expectations can unknowingly shape our lives.” (direct quote, by the way!!)
        Mine are like,
        (Had to use 10,000 emojis and lots of caps because… Come on!! That’s me in a nutshell! 😂😂😂 Not that I have any problem with that, or plan to change it in the near future!! 🔮🤔)

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      2. 😂 😆 I love this! I think we are each our own worst’s critics, and we all have our strengths. I think my reviews are redundant – I say the same things over and over and all I really want to say is – I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! And sometimes I do say that. 😂 I used to write a sentence or two- no joke, and now I write more, but I never think my reviews are anything special. I have friends and I’m sure you follow them too who are much more literary and scholarly than me. Many who take notes while they read- I think you said you do that- I can’t! I take mental notes, but I can’t write as I go along, it interferes with my reading, and I won’t keep up with it. So I don’t see myself in that literary league at all. And my literary friends tell me that my reviews are about how I felt about the book, they say they are emotional, and I knows yours are too, so we have that in common. And I LOVE that about yours. The entertainment factor is just WOW, and I gobble them up! I’m like, “Yay! Nicole has a new review up! Let me go see so I can share in the fun!” I like to use lots of emojis too but I restrain myself because I’ve been told they are a turn-off, etc., but sometimes I can’t help myself. Ultimately, you write from your heart, and anyone who loves reading or writing loves THAT. ♥️ 💜 ❤️ 💗 💕 😘

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you. 😊 You’re smart not taking notes in a way, though. I take so many notes (because I never know what, by the end of the book, will ACTUALLY be pertinent!) that by the time I go to write the review I think… Okay, now what do I actually want to use?! And my thoughts get all jumbled trying to fit too much in! So, sometimes taking notes, beyond slowing down my reading, can be overwhelming as well!! (hopefully a lot of emojis aren’t too much of a turn off, or I’ve tuned off A LOT of people!)

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      4. Don’t worry about the emojis- have fun! ♥️ You have tons of people who love you! I can see how the notes would overwhelm me, too. It just makes the process take longer for me, and I need to keep moving along. I hav blogs I want to see and books I want to read! 💜

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      5. Oh, the emojis won’t stop. I always worry that people will misconstrue my messages if I don’t use them (I have the tendency to be SLIGHTLY sarcastic!) without emojis, I’m sure I would turn off WAY more people! Ha ha! 😂😉🍻

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    1. Sign up?? I was on the short list before it even became a THING! No training? Yep. Knows how to make cool drinks? Yep. Born and raised in Canada? Yep… Out of this World blog award winner? Yep! …. YOU’RE PERFECT!! 😉😂😂💖

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I like where you get your inspirations from.. 🙂 especially the trees.. Great shoutouts! I especially agree with you about Michel and his ability to find the time for commenting.. 🙂 Your guess sounds very solid!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Here I come to save the day!! 😂😂 Seriously…enough is enough 😂😂 At one point all these compliments just need to stop, have already had enough of a crimson face these past few days 😊😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahah😂😂😂 I rest my case..Your humor is just too good 😂😂 But yeah I know what you meant…though if that is a wonderful and productive sort of crazy….I liked to call it the totally insane and needs time in the looney bin crazy 😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Well I have a feeling you have more time than I do. And the rate at which you release these Long blog posts is awe inspiring.

        I might go weeks without posting anything I’ll write every day but more than half the time anything I write I think is absolutely rubbish, and toss it out.

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      2. A month-and-a-half ago I was going to write an Ode to kimchi and make a post about it, time before that I made a post about what it would be like to be a colonist on Mars, and speculate about what kind of person would be suitable for living on Mars from a psychological perspective.
        Ultimately the post became rather long so I stopped

        And two weeks ago I started making a post about reader appreciation. And writing a haiku for all the individuals that have either like or commented on my past blog posts.
        But encapsulating what I appreciated about who ever liked or commented on the blog post turned into quite the challenge then stopped Midway.

        Hmmm maybe you’re right maybe I am too critical.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Ha ha!! I LOVE these ideas!!! So, I have a proposition. Every time you think something sucks and you don’t want to post it, send it to ME! I’ll make it a guest post on my blog. “But I Digress… Guest Post with Joseph Beech” I LOVE IT!! 💖💖💖

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      4. Haha….really, I wish that was the case, but I really don’t lol 😂 I have about 5-6 hours of free time on weekdays, and about 12-14 hours on Saturdays and Sundays…well..when I’m not working that is. But that said…I do love blogging so most of the free time is being used to head on wordpress 😊😊

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  6. Wow, love your style. Books and drinking? Hell to the yes, two of my favorite things. (Where is your follow button?) I’ve decided that since dating never worked out for me, I will read instead. Currently reading 1776 about the American Revolution. (Hahaha, that is not a comment on relationships!) Anyway, I know how it turns out, but at the moment, the other guys are winning. Can you recommend a drink pairing to take the edge off? Gratefully yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg, Fraggle!! How could you EVER be chopped liver?! 💖💖💖💖 I don’t know how I could have forgotten about you!?!? I blame Michel… Dont ask me why, but, I blame him ENTIRELY. Now, I’m going to go and create my “Ode to Fraggle, and why I love her” post (and, I’m not even kidding.) 😅😙

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  7. Rumor has it that you’ll celebrate your birthday next week. I just dropped by to greet you in advance.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    Embarrassing to admit but I think this is the first time I visit your site though we’ve been following each other for sometime now. 🙂 🙂

    And oh, You deserve this a ward and all the love you’re getting. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha! Who’s been spreading rumours about me!! 🤔😉😂😅 Thank you for the birthday wishes! And visits are better late than never! 😉 I’ve just started a new job (and I’m still working my old full time job) so… I’ve been pretty lax on visiting others!! Can’t wait until I’m back down to one job and have my life back!! Thanks for stoping by. 💖

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      1. hahaha… his name starts with M and his blog’s name starts with R and have numbers… that’s so obvious, isn’t it? haha..

        I can relate with being busy. though I’m currently jobless, I’m writing my first novel, first draft, and it’s taking most of my time. not that I’m complaining. hehe.. It’s my dream to be an author. 🙂

        And goodluck with the new job…

        Liked by 1 person

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